Tier -$8.88 Patreon – Tesla | Lincoln | Grand Canyon | Area 51…

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The time is here! AuroRa will now be delivering transmissions that are too sensitive for the public. Therefore, this Tier is designated for the freedom of speech that is required for the extra sensitive material we will now be delivering. Examples: channeling Nikola Tesla, Einstein, ‘Remote Viewing TOP SECRET Area 51, and Remote Viewing ‘The Hidden Truths of the Grand Canyon’. You will not want to miss, not one of these episodes.

For legal purposes: Aurora is not a licensed physician, please see your Doctor for health concerns.

All rights reserved and copyright by Rising Phoenix Aurora INC.

Channeling Nikola Tesla of Tartaria Pt 1

Get ready for 2 hours of enlightenment! In this episode Nikola Tesla shares of his personal life, his mother, romantic life, and most importantly his work. How his lifelong dedication, and devotion for the evolution of humanity was accomplished, but also stolen from him.

  • His technologies in our modern day. 
  • The truth of the 3, 6, 9 theory, and how it is all that is. 
  • Going into the epiphanies of how he used the alternating currents that none thought they could touch in his time and space. 
  • His different laboratories, and projects. 
  • The equations to life within Creation. 
  • The true creator to The New Yorker Hotel, why New York.
  • Was he really poor, or a breatharian? 
  • How did he really die? 
  • Are the Trump family related to him? 
  • What happened to his prestigious lifelong work? 
  • Who was Tesla communicating with his doves? 
  • The beginning of the World Fairs. 
  • The components needed to time travel, and so much more!!!

To watch the videos mentioned:

Channeling Nikola Tesla of Tartaria Pt 2

We live in a world of Nikola Tesla’s vision! The advancement and evolution of humankind. Get ready for 3 hours of scientific enlightment, with the abundant inventor Dr. Nikola Tesla. We go deeper into his personal life, and his visions of peace and prosperity for humankind. Understanding him at an intimate level and his mannerism. We truly realize through this episode that Nikola Tesla assisted to evolve and change the entire world, connected to technology for both his time and space of Tartaria, and our time.

  • AuroRa remote views and delivers never before shared images and documentations of The New Yorker Hotel, his home.
  • the engineering of his inventions, and a recap of all that he invented.
  • reviewing Tesla’s patens and articles.
  • the truth of the New Yorker and World Fairs of his time and space.
  • what is inside and beneath the New Yorker Hotel.
  • the air blimps, who designed them, and how did they operate.
  • World War 2, and his hopes through his technology to stop the war.
  • The beginning hierarchy of the United Kingdom.
  • His views of the Divine Feminine.

Channeling Nikola Tesla of Tartaria Pt 3

When speaking of the wireless electricity created by Nikola Tesla, I am only speaking through these transmissions of his life span, during the development and time of Tartaria and his inventions. I am not speaking of prior civilizations, where we know that they too had their forms of electricity.

In the grand finally of the Nikola Tesla of Tartaria series, we understand how what we know in our time and space, as the ‘Iron Dome’ of Israel, how it was his creation, its true purpose, and how it works. Get ready for 3 hours of spirit science! How we can use the advancement of technology to backfire against the elites who think they can control us through them. Come listen in the ways that Tesla was a strong conduit of electricity, ether, and creation.

  • How the ‘Iron Dome’ is already being utilized on Earth.
  • Advice for aspiring inventors in order to survive and thrive.
  • The true creator of commercial/household electricity.
  • Remote viewing the technologies on Earth, and how they are used throughout.
  • The truth of 5G, how it works to cause harm to humankind.
  • The technologies that powered up Tartaria.
  • His greatest accomplishment realized in the now.
  • The ways his inventions were reverse engineered to harm, instead of assist.
  • How the Alternating Current deemed impossible became the possible to all his inventions.
  • What was the meaning to his constant pose with his fingers to his temples.

Abraham Lincoln – The Right to Freedom

Channeling, ‘Abraham Lincoln – The Right to Freedom’! Understanding Tartaria, the truth of the Civil War, and the ways that it is mirroring our now time and space. Come understand Abraham Lincoln in a deep emotional, personal level of who he was, his childhood, and the way it made him into who he was. His immense love for humanity, and the truth on why he freed the slaves.

  • Another episode of the Antarctica/Tartaria series
  • The eclipse of their time and space an its connection to ours
  • His life as a wrestler. Did he have giant DNA?
  • Why was his time in Illinois important? Is he incarnated now?
  • The Navy’s invasion through South Carolina
  • The Gullah Geechie American Nubian indigenous tribe
  • Is he incarnated now, and who?
  • The tree’s part in assisting this time and space

To watch the videos mentioned: 

Abraham Lincoln – The Right to Freedom – Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass & Ulysses Grant Pt 2

Abraham Lincoln has called for the Resistance, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Ulysses S. Grant, to speak and share more of the Civil War! These three different figures of Earth who were part of slavery equality, abolition, awareness, and advocacy. His beloved friend Frederick Douglass, the underground railroad Harriet Tubman, and his General who lead the Civil War into victory for the freedom of the slaves, Ulysses S Grant!

  • Abraham introduces each of these 3 important people of our history
  • Each share a short story of who they were and why, who are their higher selves
  • Their grand missions and the way they intertwine divinely with another
  • Another episode of the Antarctica/Tartaria series!
  • The bifurcation of the Civil War, the dark agenda, and the trump over it
  • The truth of the United States Amendments and how they assist Americans
  • Hope for the collective that they can now do what needs to be done once again
  • A real look into what it was to be a slave and those on the opposite end
  • What fueled them all to keep going no matter the obstacles
  • The beginning of the KKK

Remote Viewing the Hidden Secrets of the Grand Canyon Pt 1

Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!! What history, jewels, and treasure are the government hiding here?! The truth of the magic of these sacred lands. What they were once, and the evolution of these lands transformation. The hidden history of the Grand Canyon. To understand their beauty one must first go back to the the origins and past of its creation! The war erased from the collective consciousness of earth. Come journey with us to understand why these lands feel like the womb of Mother Earth!

  • What happened to Egypt and its true history, their technologies and abilities
  • The origins of the Grand Canyon and its true energies, its connection to Africa
  • The divine plan for ascension and how it connects to the Grand Canyon
  • More of the giant Tree of Life’s of Earth
  • What are the Egyptian pyramids gridded to
  • The Golden City of El Dorado
  • Military bases in the Grand Canyon

Remote Viewing the Hidden Secrets of the Grand Canyon Pt 2

JOIN US as AuroRa Remote Views the Grand Canyon Pt 2! The Golden City of El Dorado, the civilizations forgotten of the Grand Canyon! The truth of the magic of these sacred lands. What history, jewels, and treasure are the government hiding here?! The war erased from the collective consciousness of Earth. Come journey with us to view all hidden truths within the Grand Canyon! Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!!

  • Continuing from Cleopatra and the Egyptian civilization landing in Grand Canyon and all that needed to align for them to enter Grand Canyon
  • Ancient Egypt and Sumeria understood at a whole other level
  • One of the biggest mystery answered of why were the America’s not discovered until the 1490’s
  • Understanding the bifurcation of Earth after Atlantis like never before
  • The world united in Tartaria
  • More shared of the collective ascension
  • Stellar travel through the pyramids of Earth

To watch the videos mentioned: 

Remote Viewing The Grand Canyon | The city of the El Dorado Pt 3

Join us as AuroRa Remote Views the Grand Canyon Pt 3! Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!! The truth of the magic of these sacred lands. What is hidden in the restricted areas and how deep does it go.. The wars erased from the collective consciousness of Earth. The Golden City of El Dorado, the civilizations forgotten of the Grand Canyon. Come journey with us to view all hidden truths within the Grand Canyon!

  • Continuing from Cleopatra and the Egyptian civilization landing in Grand Canyon
  • More on the cloaking of America until it was discovered
  • The Cosmic Gateways on Earth
  • What is really there in the restricted northern part of the Grand Canyon
  • A city unknown to the public
  • A Google Earth walkthrough of the Grand Canyon
  • What really is the famous Horseshoe Bend
  • The Mexican – American War, and other wars erased form our history
  • How did the Sedona that once was underwater become Earthed
  • The Giants and Sasquatch of the Grand Canyon
  • What is hidden underneath the lands
  • Sedona and the vortexes within

To watch the videos and courses mentioned:

-Buddha – The Path of Enlightenment – Understanding the Brain & Consciousness – July 28th, 2024

-Mother Mary – The Divine Path of Mother & Sacred Childbirth, August 25th, 2024


Remote Viewing The Grand Canyon Pt 4

Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!! AuroRa is back from these sacred lands and has so much to share of what has been unveiled. The truth of the magic of these sacred lands. What is it that the military is hiding, and the way Mother Earth has released their black magic from herRemoving human trafficking from Earth and her children. Come journey with us to view all hidden truths within the Grand Canyon!

  • Where the first women birthed from, the first souls, giants, sun and moon birthed through
  • The giants are back, their origin and what happened to them
  • Skin Walkers and who were they once
  • The evolution and transformation of the waters and all elements on Earth happening now
  • What is the famous Horseshoe Bend
  • Understanding the different densities of waters as the sacred cenotes and springs inside Earth
  • Grand Canyon’s connection to Egypt, Sphinx, and the portals within that connect to all Earth
  • Hawaii, Mother Pele’s connection to Grand Canyon

Books Mentioned:

  1. Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park and The Navajo Reservation
  2. ”This is Monument Valley” by Stewart Aitchison 

Videos mentioned:

Remote Viewing TOP SECRET Area 51 Pt 1

JOIN US, as AuroRa Remote Views AREA 51! Now that we have remote viewed and visited Grand Canyon, this is a continuance to remote viewing the’Hidden truths within the Grand Canyon’! What is the government hiding here? Are the rumors true, aliens UFO’s, human experiments? The underground bases of the world. Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!!

  • A teaser message from Dwight D. Eisenhower, The Antarctica Treaty
  • Nikola Tesla explains how UFO spacecrafts work, antigravity, plasma, and the components needed
  • Remote Viewing into the Moon Landing, hoax or not?
  • The real Illegal Aliens who entered the Earth
  • More on the migrant clones, how they work, and their weakness
  • The technologies throughout the centuries
  • Where are the missing children of Earth?
  • The space programs, Mars, and unknown civilizations
  • The A.I. Sophia bot, how she works, and the artificial womb Matrix
  • The in-humane experiments of Atlantis repeating
  • Black eyed babies, hybrids and super soldiers
  • The Egypt of America
  • Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW)
  • How did Piddy get caught, and the more pedo’s to come will be outed
  • With so many hidden truths buried in this space, what do they fear the most being revealed?

Videos mentioned:

BONUS VIDEO FOR SEPTEMBER – Channeling Dwight D. Eisenhower – Weaponized Humans Through Hive Minds

Greetings! In this episode of the Cosmic Mother Rising Show, hosted by the great grand daughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower Laura Eisenhower, and AuroRa, the divine messages we have been waiting for from Dwight D. Eisenhower are finally delivered, clearing up so much beyond the veil. Get ready for a grand show!

  • The true purpose to the treaties Dwight D. Eisenhower signed
  • The migrant clones of his time and space.
  • President Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy’s communications and connection
  • Personal messages from President Eisenhower for great grand daughter Laura Eisenhower
  • The attack on the strongest light warriors of Earth by weaponized humans through hive minds
  • The alien invasion and control of Earth of his time and space
  • Breaking the spells and waking up from the dark sorcery of the Hologram Matrix’s
  • Artificially engineered disclosure narratives
  • The false agenda of implants and the way the military use them

Video & Article Mentioned:

The Fall of the Clones and The Rise of the Dragons: 



Remote Viewing – AREA 51 – The Philadelphia Experiment – Roswell

JOIN US as AuroRa Remote Views AREA 51 Pt 2! It is truly incredible how each video we deliver is better than the other, and so shall they continue to be! Nikola Tesla surprises us by taking us through the technology of the Philadelphia Experiment, as he was the original creator of it, alongside other genius minds of that time as Albert Einstein… The TOP Secret erased archives remembered! As we remote view Roswell and the Philadelphia Experiment, it assists us to understand the OG of Whistleblowers and how time travel began in the 1943. This is a continuance to remote viewing the ‘Hidden truths within the Grand Canyon’! What is the government hiding here? Are the rumors true, aliens, UFO’s, human experiments? The underground bases of the world. Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!

  • Understanding the science of antigravity, quantum entanglement, time travel, abductions, accessing the alternating current of the ether, mind control Mk-Ultra, magnetic supercell organisms, MRAM – Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory
  • Tesla introduces us to the work of Albert Einstein, Dr. David Hilbert, John von Neumann, Thomas Townsend Brown…
  • The Philadelphia Experiment, The Phoenix Project, Project Invisibility, Project Rainbow
  • Which extraterrestrials was Tesla communicating with

Videos mentioned:

Bonus Video For November 2024 – The Matrix Pods & Galactic Ancient Mysteries

JOIN US as AuroRa debuts for the first time, publicly, some of the sacred, guarded teachings of ‘The Matrix Pods’ presentation! In order to break free of the Matrix simulation into ascension, one must first understand the organic crystalline construct we are in, and the ways that it has been inverted by the A.I. Archon Matrix. To free our consciousnesses, soul, and hearts, we must come into awareness of the third dimensional Earth we agreed to incarnate within. To be the Ascended Master we have always been, we need to allow ourselves to break free and grow an understanding to the truth of the virus and parasites on Earth, who keep is in an constant soul loop, without being able to graduate out.

You don’t want to miss this one! AuroRa has masterfully combined together how to begin walking our most organic timelines, by the understanding of our the brain and consciousness, body anatomy and how this is connected to our Crystalline Pods, galactic and Earth history, and remembering our ancestors. The past holds all the keys to the future! Come find your key and unlock your memory!

To listen to the entire ‘Matrix Pods’ presentation join us live at an in-person Retreat or Online Workshop, A.U.R.A. Hypnosis & R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing Certifications. Follow this link for more details: https://www.risingphoenixaurora.com/collections/workshops

Remote Viewing – The Philadelphia Experiment Pt 2- Einstein & Nikola Tesla

JOIN US as AuroRa remote views time travel at its origins, the Philadelphia Experiment Pt 2! Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla surprise us by taking us through the technology of the Philadelphia Experiment. The original creators of time travel, alongside other genius minds of that time… So many answers come into realization of the past disclosure of human experiments, UFO’s and aliens. The TOP Secret erased archives remembered! As we remote view Roswell and the Philadelphia Experiment, it assists us to understand the OG of Whistleblowers and how time travel began in the 1943. This is a continuance to remote viewing the ‘Hidden truths within the Grand Canyon’! What is the government hiding here? Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! It is truly incredible how each video we deliver is better than the other!

  • Understanding the science of antigravity, quantum entanglement, time travel, abductions, accessing the alternating current of the ether, mind control Mk-Ultra, magnetic supercell organisms
  • Tesla introduces us to the work of Albert Einstein
  • The Philadelphia Experiment, The Phoenix Project, Project Invisibility, Project Rainbow
  • Which extraterrestrials was Tesla communicating with
  • Understanding Book: The Philadelphia Experiment and Other UFO Conspiracies – Al Bielek & Brad Steagler
  • Understanding the paranormal, aliens, entities and how they work in the dimensions they hide within
  • The way the water has shifted into 4D in the now, lost at sea once, but no more
  • The way time links together in waves from past, present, and future
  • How the biggest Alien invasion began in connection to all Alien UFO cover-ups
  • The Men in Black and the bases in Antarctica
  • What happened to the crew in the Philadelphia Experiment

To watch the videos mentioned:

Remote Viewing – The Philadelphia Experiment Pt 3 – Einstein & Nikola Tesla

JOIN US as AuroRa remote views time travel at its origins, the Philadelphia Experiment Pt 3! Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla take us through the technology of the Philadelphia Experiment. The original creators of time travel, alongside other genius minds of that time… So many answers come into realization of the past disclosure of human experiments, UFO’s and aliens. The TOP Secret erased archives remembered! As we remote view Roswell and the Philadelphia Experiment, it assists us to understand the OG of Whistleblowers and how time travel began in the 1943. This is a continuance to remote viewing Area 51! What is the government hiding here? Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!

  • Understanding the science of antigravity, quantum entanglement, time travel, abductions, accessing the alternating current of the ether, mind control Mk-Ultra, magnetic supercell organisms
  • Albert Einstein and his work as a physicist, Particle accelerator and his Theory of Relativity e = mc2…
  • Which President did sign a treaty with the negative aliens and Grey’s?
  • Understanding time travel through Quantum Physicists, Particle Accelerator, Hyper Space, Wormholes, and Blackholes
  • The negative Pleiadians and their influence on Earth
  • The Realm of Matter, photons, electrons, atoms and how they to shape organisms
  • Scientifically understanding dimensions 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D
  • Earth’s biorhythm – Schumann Resonance – Frequency
  • Time has waves like in electromagnetic theory – alternating current/Ether. Artificial timelines with a reverse time wave.
  • The negative survivors of Atlantis and how they live Earths subsurface
  • Grey’s are future mutated hybridized humans!

To watch the videos mentioned:

Remote Viewing – Channeling EinsteinThe Montauk Project & The Philadelphia Experiment Pt 4

JOIN US as AuroRa channels Albert Einstein as he takes us through his classified years at Princeton and The Montauk Military Base Projects. The original creators of time travel, alongside other genius minds of that time… So many answers come into realization of the past disclosure of human experiments, UFO’s and aliens. The TOP Secret erased archives remembered! This is a continuance to remote viewing Area 51 and The Philadelphia Experiment! What is the government hiding here? Get ready for this brilliant, transcending, awakening series!!! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! 

  • Channeling Albert Einstein and his work as a physicist
  • The TOP SECRET years of Einstein at the Montauk project, the experiments, the abductions upon humankind
  • The world at the atomic level and his theories – Unified Theory – The Theory of Relativity…
  • Understanding the science of gravity, subatomic particles – the Realm of Matter, photons, electrons, atoms and how they to shape organisms
  • How has the CIA protected itself and lasted this long
  • The scientists of our past from Tartaria and the Nazi War
  • Understanding time travel through Quantum Physicists, Particle Accelerator, Hyper Space, Wormholes, and Blackholes
  • The radiation that wiped out the people of Earth after the Fall of Atlantis and the underground cities, the catacombs
  • The negative survivors of Atlantis and how they live Earths subsurface

To watch the videos mentioned:

Remote Viewing – Channeling EinsteinThe Montauk Project & The Philadelphia Experiment Pt 5

Join us as Einstein takes us deep into the world at the quantum level. Come fall in love with science, even if you are not into science or are a scientists! A scientists dream come true, understanding Quantum Physics in our day to day living, experiencing life at its molecular creation.

  • Channeling Albert Einstein and his work as a physicist
  • A deep understanding into Einstein’s theories: e = mc2, Relativity, Quantum Entanglement, Photoelectric Effect, Brownian Motion, Bose-Einstein Condensate, blackholes, and nuclear fusion and fission
  • The world at the atomic level and the science of subatomic particles – the Realm of Matter, photons, electrons
  • The Pyramid of Giza and the speed of light
  • The Periodic Table and the natural elements in our body, such as the true power of the water

To watch the videos mentioned: