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Unknown Member
Aggie helped to facilitate one of the most profound and high vibrational AURAs that I have experienced. Because of her expansive heart and high vibrational energy, I was able to connect with a Dolphin fractal that truly brought healing, wisdom, and joy to myself, and many of our fellow practitioners. I will always be grateful to Aggie for holding such beautiful space and guiding my AURA session with the exact right questions and opportunities to enjoy all the high-vibrational healing energy and messages that came through. Do yourself a favor and book a session with Aggie today to experience true heart-centered healing!
Cindy Gillespie
I had the sacred honor of meeting and working with Aggie during our Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing and the Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy training certification classes. She was the first person who provided my first experience with regression outside of my own work. The experience was divinely amazing. As a healer it can be very difficult to find another person who can hold the higher vibrational channel to assist you in your personal soul integration into the current human incarnation.
Aggie is a natural, she embodies the soul vibrational essence of Shambhala. During my regression session I was able to raise my frequency to connect and communicate with my personal cosmic ancestors/ council. She assisted me and my guides to clear and balance all aspect of my form (physical, mental, emotional, and etheric) in all dimensional planes. Aggie is a beautiful amazing heart-centered human being that I am so honored to know and to have had the opportunity to work with.
Donna Robinson
If you Love what your do, do what you Love, you have that calming feeling about you an to have the gift of healing puts everything into perspective .
I think a lot of people could use your healing if they just give it a try, you do feel more grounded you feel lifted, energized, just getting all that stuff you hold on to makes you feel like you can't breath, thank you for doing what you were meant to do, to make people feel like they've got this! To be in a happy place again, an to live life to its fullest, sometimes you get so caught up in the rushed world we live in we don't evaluate ourself enough but because of people like you, it grounds us to where we were all meant to be.