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I had an AURA session with Clare & Jeff and as I like to say " they are a power cuple", felt deeply their powerful, strong, sovereign connection through the session as I've managed to dig deeper and find the roots of a contract which I've worked many times to clear, providing the next missing puzzle.They holded strong the space for my healing and expression of my soul.
I've received many confirmations and through this session my greates wish I had since young age was fulfilled ✨️🀍
I am grateful, blessed and my heart sings with joy for having the honor to meet you and co-create with you 🌈.
Niabi Roze
Where to begin... Jeffrey has played a huge role in my healing journey. I had several sessions with him and his divine counter part Claire (together known as Circle of Light Healer). He works closely with divine father & divine masculine energies, and I sensed from the beginning that his presence was going to be needed for my journey as it was a lot of deep tough work! He has a strong 3rd eye, kind heart, and warrior spirit. Through several Akashic Reiki sessions, home sessions, and even a session for my animals, I was able to fully heal from the vaccine, aid MANY soul aspects, and remove myself from inverted timelines, after every session feeling lighter, more connected, more emnbodied. I am very grateful, thank you brother and Claire ~ πŸ™πŸ’›πŸ¦Œ
I received from Jeffrey and his twin flame Clare spiritual work that will carry me through all the inner battles I have experienced. Through the multiple reiki and aura sessions we've had I was able to release blockages from lifetimes ago that have been impacting my life. I was also able to understand myself more and my ancestral lineage that I come from and how to have compassion with all that has happened, the trauma and pain that has both existed in my paternal and maternal lines. The work is absolutely life changing and I woul highly recommend anyone to book them as I know for sure you will be held in love and understanding
It took only a few online AURA-sessions with Clare and her twin flame Jeffrey to end many years of crushing depressions, hellish frustrations, suffocating fears, brutal energetic experiences, and to make sense of it all. My gratitude is beyond my ability to express in words. I highly appreciate the compassion, the kindness, the ability to listen, the openness of mind, the readiness to give and hold space, the patience, the generosity, the after-session care, the precise questions, the profound desire to help someone in need without strings and extra fees attached, the love for expanding personal and collective knowledge. Having also been affected by the so-called shedding phenomenon caused by Thevee, I can declare without the shadow of a doubt that this hypnosis modality is most efficient in dealing with even this issue. If you are seriously looking for healing and answers, I highly recommend sessions with Clare and Jeffrey.
Unknown Member
Jeffery aided me in a joint AURA session with his twin flame Clare. He has the most remarkable healing energy. I strongly felt this during the energy work part of the session. As a team they really do complement one another, and offer the most profound sessions. I would really recommend them both.