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Aurora is a gifted master teacher, healer, channel and author! I feel so blessed to have been led to take the certification classes in A.U.R.A. and R.A.A.H, which I now incorporate into my on going healing practice. These modalities are what I had been waiting for to expand my practice and to take it to the next level. Not only do I feel safe and secure when working as a practitioner with these modalities, but my clients do so also. We are able to go to deep levels together of exploration, entity, energy removal, and healing. These modalities are truly a gift to humanity in these challenging times and I love working with my clients through A.U.R.A. and R.A.A.H. sessions. Thank you so much Aurora for birthing these powerful healing modalities. You are an inspiration and a beacon of Light to all who have know you. Thank you for your service and love for humanity and all sentient being. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My infinite Love, Mary Hiestand
Unknown Member
Greetings beautiful souls,

If you're reading this review you have already come across Rising Phoenix AuroRa's Mystery school and various platforms of sharing wisdom for Ascension. I have known AuroRa in this lifetime for 5 years now, since 2018. My Dragon led me to her channel and the rest is a beautiful story unfolding organically. I started my journey by taking the AURA Hypnosis course, followed by the Priestess, RAAH Reiki and then Quantum Galactic History. AuroRa is a pathfinder and a Galactic spiritual teacher whom not just me but many I've come across have known as such within our Universe. The courses have catapulted my spiritual journey and that of my clients exponentially. AuroRa is the clearest channel you will find as she follows and teaches sacred alchemy and ancient wisdom from the benevolence of our Universe's Elders. She is a pioneer and a truth speaker, afraid of none as she practices and teaches sovereignty. I'm often asked which courses I would recommend from the entire School she is a founder of and my answer is "Do them all, follow your heart on where to start" You don't need any past experience in any of these modalities, just a heart full of love and in service to others. So if you are looking at healing yourself, your family, curious about your soul and need a place to start, I would highly recommend her 'Akashic Readings' they will blow your mind off. The AURA Hypnosis sessions have been a huge tool in my awakening journey and AuroRa has led all of mine, with utmost love and protection - always! AuroRA is a true gift of Source and I'm so infinitely grateful for knowing her and being guided by her work. AuroRA - Keep moving forward, I love you with ALL That I am. You are infinitely honored and respected and ALWAYS will be. πŸ’“πŸ”±πŸ”₯ Angelic Alchemy Meenakshi